GeoData Explorer

You can purchase the app directly from our secure shopping cart using Stripe Checkout. We are able to sell special versions of the app this way like Windows Desktop EXE and MSI Installers as well as special android versions. After checkout you will be given link to download app and code to activate it.
Pricing Options:
We are NOT selling tiered plans. We want everyone to have the full feature set and have access to all of our app updates. So as long as you have an active subscription you will be getting updates to the app regularly!
Your choice Monthly Subscription or Yearly Purchase options
Limited Access $0/mo
- 30 min sessions at a time with the full featured app
- Full Featured
- Offline Raster and Vector Tiles – MBTILES and OGC GPKG GeoPackage SQLite formats
- Offline Elevation Tiles – MapZen Terrarium PNG Terrain Tiles/Elevation and Elevation Profile View
- Weather, GeoTIFF Imagery
- Vector Layers from ESRI Shapefile, ESRI FileGDB
- Internet Basemap Picker
- In-App Vector Tiling – generates JSON tiles from GeoJSON and Shapefiles
- Tools and Analysis Functionality
- We want you to hit the ground ready to go, so we have Included data layers from our Tile Server and Public OGC/ESRI Mapping Services as well as offline Open Street Map Vector Tiles as high-performance Basemap.
- The app is purchased as monthly subscription $24.99/Month which equates to $300/year
Unlock app for one year fixed price $225
Does not automatically renew. ( Equates to 18.75 per month)
2 Year
$499 for 2 years (equates to about $20/month) with option to renew at discounted rate
3 Years
$599 for 3 years (equates to less than 16/month) with discounted renewal rate